
My name is Nicole and I am a Personal Finance Coach. I want to tell you a little about myself and how I can help you make peace with your finances.

I knew I wanted to be in finance since I was a little girl. In 6th grade we had a stock picking assignment where we selected the names of a handful of stocks and tracked them for a month. I became enamored with the stock market immediately. I loved it so much my parents gave me a small amount of money to start my own investing. I sat down with their Financial Planner at the time and I gave him the names I wanted to invest in. That began my journey.

I started in the finance industry in 2013 in my hometown of San Diego where I worked for a comprehensive Financial Planning firm. We built custom financial and estate plans for high net worth individuals. I loved seeing how all of the pieces of the puzzle came together for our clients and how each was unique. I knew I had a passion for sitting down with people and figuring out how to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together and how to help people reach their individual financial goals.

I moved to New York in October of 2016 to take my career to the next level and to chase my ultimate dream of working on Wall Street. I have been in New York City ever since working in Wealth Management for some of the most well known firms and Financial Advisors on the Street.

I saw a problem within the financial industry. Financial advising is geared towards people who have already accumulated assets. The industry was overlooking a large demographic of people. The people who live paycheck to paycheck. The people that are just starting their careers or to make money and they do not know what to do with it. The people that do not have the assets to sit down with a Financial Advisor at a big bank. This demographic is my passion. I believe as a society we do not educate teenagers and adults how to manage their money and save for their future. That is why I started Wall Street Girl Next Door.

This brand is built to give people the support and resources they need to have peace with their finances. To help people not live in fear or shame of their financial situation. I believe the human element is key to reaching your goals and making positive lifestyle style changes. Looking at your finances can be daunting and overwhelming. People do not know where to start so they never do. That is where a Personal Finance Coach can help. I am here to help you wherever you are on your journey. To lead you each step of the way to get where you would like to be. I can help you put the pieces of your puzzle together.